Sara Jane Cromwell

"I have discovered that the source of love comes from being my true self....."

Neuro Change & Neuro Health Practitioner - Life Coach - Author

About Sara-Jane Cromwell

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Pride of Cork Recipient Sara-Jane Cromwell is a ground breaking Neuro Change Practitioner, Lifecoach, Facilitator and Author. Sara-Jane is also an inspirational figure for people going through many of life’s difficulties. This is because her book "Becoming Myself" also deals with her experience of having to overcome many challenges, any one of which would flatten the rest of us. According to Sara-Jane, the greatest challenge of her life (even greater than her battle with her gender identity), was being branded and raised as mentally retarded (not a joke) and leaving school and starting work at just 12 years of age.

Sara-Jane grew up in Ballyfermot in the 60s-70s, when it was simply impossible for children her age to ever be themselves. In overcoming these challenges has been monumental for Sara Jane but ultimately led to her becoming an author and speaker with a passion to help others.  She made her debut as an International Women’s Day Speaker in 2017.

Sara-Jane was self-educated until she entered college as a mature student and graduated from the National College of Ireland in Workplace Relations.

"It is amazing how we can develop and grow and never see it happen until we look back from where we came"

Understand Sara-Jane's Journey & How She Can Help You
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Sara-Sane Cromwell  Book Launch Interview-No Ordinary Life  

About Sara-Jane's Work

Practitioner & Lifecoach

Sara-Jane is an accomplished
Neuro-Change Practitioner & Lifecoach. In her role she has helped transform the lives of countless numbers of people over many years; from helping people find their purpose to achieving
their goals and becoming their
own authentic lives

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The Neuro Change Method


Sara-Jane is a certified Neuro-Health Practitioner and Hub Facilitator, providing support for those seeking to maintain positive mental health and well-being and those who feel their mental health could be compromised due to ongoing stress and struggling to cope with life's challenges

More About
The Neuro Health Project

Youth Potential Practitioner

Sara-Jane is a Certified Youth Potential Practitioner, working with young people between 15-21 years, using evidenced based tools to help them the know the purpose in life, achieve their goals and experience a greater sense of sense and personal well-being

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Youth Potential Programme

"Learning To Re-Wire Your Brain Means Lasting Positive Life Transformation"

Transformational Life Coaching

Sara-Jane is a true expert in Transformational Change and Personal Growth. As a Lifecoach she seeks always to be a safe place for those facing challenges in their lives and helps them overcome any barriers that may be holding them back and preventing them from moving forward. Together she will work with you to overcome fears, insecurities, and barriers to ultimately transform your life. She has a long and proven track record in helping her clients achieve their goals and achieve real and lasting positive change and personal growth.

Life Coaching provides a safe supportive and non-judgemental space for people wishing to overcome the barriers that hold them back from achieving their goals and dreams.
Life Coaching can help people achieve their purpose in life and through it reach a place of genuine fulfillment and happiness.

Why Life Coaching

Life Coaching is a proven way to help people identify their goals and through a variety of tools and techniques put together strategies and plans for achieving those goals.
Life Coaching can help with issues such as: Career Planning, relationships, setting up a business, moving house or country, conflict resolution, managing financial difficulties, health and wellbeing etc.

What Can Life Coaching Do For You?

What is a Neuro-Change Practitioner?

While Ireland and other parts of the World are changing in their attitudes towards gender diversity, there is still overwhelming confusion and division, especially around gender dysphoria and non-binary gender identities. Sara-Jane Cromwell aims to help educate people on these hugely important issues and is she uniquely placed to do so. Sara-Jane speaks about how being assigned the wrong gender at birth is a clinical issue and why it should be kept separate from and not confused with a person’s sexual orientation. In particular, she wants to work with those who may be confused about their gender identity, and those who work with and support them. And she is especially concerned about those who take on this journey without the appropriate supports in place i.e. family support, clinical assessment, counselling. These supports are especially important for the increasing numbers of people presenting with Rapid Onset Gender Dysphoria and those getting caught up in the current trend known as trans-trending.

The Neuro Change Method

Sara-Jane has published three books about her life and on the subject of Gender Dysphoria and Gender Identity. Her most recent book "No Ordinary Life" is launching on the 28th  October 2021 and like her other books will be available in all good book shops and online.

A Vision for Positive Mental Health

Becoming Myself is Sara-Jane’s first autobiography, published in 2008. It was a national media event including over 40 media appearances. It made it onto the bestsellers list, and her publishers bestseller list for approx. 12 weeks. The book tells the story of her growing up in Dublin in the 1960s to her moving to Cork in 1998, where she received her diagnosis of Gender Dysphoria in 2003; at age 43. It was the first book published in Ireland by a person with Gender Dysphoria.

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Neuro Health Hubs

Wrong Body Wrong Life (2010) is the first book of its kind to be published in Ireland. It addresses the subject of Gender Dysphoria (formally Gender Identity Disorder) and describes the living experience of gender dysphoric people in Ireland. It has proven to be a truly ground-breaking book in that it is the first to properly inform readers on the true nature of gender dysphoria, the science behind it. The book helps to breakdown the stereotypes that surround those who transition towards their true gender identity.

It's Free so There's Nothing to Lose

Sara-Jane’s second autobiography No Ordinary Life is an update of Becoming Myself (2008) since completing her transition in 2015. It is a story that will make you cry, then laugh, then cry and laugh again. People who have met and read Sara- Jane's story are astounded by the imaginative ways she found to survive, overcome and thrive through the kind of challenges that would have floored many others. And yet, there is not a hint of her feeling like a victim. It is a story about no matter how low and hopeless your circumstances, you will be inspired to get back up & start again.

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"No Ordinary Life" Book Launch

Sara Jane officially launched her new book "No Ordinary Life" on 28 October 2021 in Vienna Woods Hotel.

Video details - YouTube Studio

Some Photos from the Night 2021


Awards Night Gallery

Sara Jane Cromwell - Pride of Cork Awards 2022

Sara Jane Cromwell was honoured by Cork Civic Life "Pride of Cork Awards 2021" for her contribution in moving Ireland forward in relation to Gender Dysphoria and the challenges she has helped others overcome through her own experience.

Awards Night Gallery

News & Blog

Book Launch "No Ordinary Life" - Vienna Woods Hotel - 28 October @ 6.30pm

March 15, 2022

Sara Jane Cromwell's Latest Book "No Ordinary Life"


Sara Jane Cromwell's latest Book "No Ordinary Life" will be launched this Thursday 28 October 2021 at the Vienna Woods Hotel. Reservations are by invitation only due to Covid Restrictions. Please feel free to call or email if you have any questions.

Winning The Battle To Be Herself - Irish Times Article - 2008

October 26, 2021

Born in the Dublin suburb of Ballyfermot, the early years of her life read like a typical, misery-lit production, a cycle of relentless bullying, humiliation and violence in a classic large, two-parent, Irish Catholic family. But that is only one part of this amazing inspirational story. The rest is a story of overcoming, survival and personal transformation, and raising the consciousness of a country ignorant of what is to be assigned the wrong gender at birth.


UCC Introduces Workshops for incoming First-Year LGBT+ Students - 2019

October 24, 2021

Two workshops for incoming LGBT students, one on coming out as homosexual or bisexual, and one on gender identity, were held at this year’s Fáilte Fest, as part of an ongoing initiative to increase advocacy for LGBT+ students.


"The extraordinary always starts with the ordinary. It's simply a matter of what we choose to do with the ordinary"

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